After three redesigns and about 70 hours of work I’ve finally got a board that is worth getting fabricated.

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I sent it off to OSH Park and I can’t wait to see how it turns out. The OSH Park site is really simple to use and I really like how they show you what they think the final board will look like, it really helps with the confidence that you’ve done what thought you did. This helped me out when I saw the first board that I uploaded didn’t have any silkscreen on the bottom even though they said you could. I was able to change layers and verify that it worked.

The board is not a final product, but a tool for myself to get to a final product and for $8USD plus my time it is an amazing value. I have etched boards at home before, but never again, it is now cheap and convenient enough to just send it off to be done properly with no chemicals or mess at home.

I’ll update when the boards come in, there have been plenty of reviews of OSH Park by others, I don’t expect I’ll have any issues with the quality of the board, but I’ll validate when I have them in hand.