Announcement (1) Build Tools (1) Conversational (17) Digi-Key (1) Dylan (1) EAGLE (1) Experiment (1) Grayson (1) Hack (2) Homework (1) Instructables (1) Kate (1) Lauren (2) Links (1) Mini Project (6) Motivation (1) Not Electronics (1) OSH Park (1) PCB Design (1) Project (4) Project Log (3) Quarterly (1) Quotes (3) Software (1) Soldering (1) Troubleshooting (1) Update (3) Welcome (1) Wishlist (1)

 Announcement (1)

On Instructables

 Build Tools (1)

They're hanging in there with the chopsticks, aren't they?

 Conversational (17)

They're hanging in there with the chopsticks, aren't they?
Happy New Year!
Still Making
Lawn Mower Hack
Digi-Key to the Rescue
First Board Ordered
Quarterly Update [2016 Quarter 1]
A Legge Up Website Facelift
Nightlight Hack
Surface Mount Soldering Experiment
My First EAGLE Board Design
I Need an Oscilloscope
Valentine's Day Project
Counterfeit Prolific Chip
Homework Enhanced
AVR Dragon
Challenge Accepted!

 Digi-Key (1)

Digi-Key to the Rescue

 Dylan (1)

Valentine's Day Project

 EAGLE (1)

My First EAGLE Board Design

 Experiment (1)

Surface Mount Soldering Experiment

 Grayson (1)

Nightlight Hack

 Hack (2)

Lawn Mower Hack
Nightlight Hack

 Homework (1)

Homework Enhanced

 Instructables (1)

On Instructables

 Kate (1)

Homework Enhanced

 Lauren (2)

Valentine's Day Project
Homework Enhanced
Reshma Saujani on The Daily Show

 Mini Project (6)

Lawn Mower Hack
Nightlight Hack
Surface Mount Soldering Experiment
Valentine's Day Project
Homework Enhanced
AVR Dragon

 Motivation (1)

Happy New Year!

 Not Electronics (1)

Still Making

 OSH Park (1)

First Board Ordered

 PCB Design (1)

First Board Ordered

 Project (4)

They're hanging in there with the chopsticks, aren't they?
Still Making
First Board Ordered
My First EAGLE Board Design

 Project Log (3)

Valentine's Day Project
Homework Enhanced
AVR Dragon

 Quarterly (1)

Quarterly Update [2016 Quarter 1]

 Quotes (3)

Teller Quote
Linda Liukas Quote
Laura Fleming Quote

 Software (1)

They're hanging in there with the chopsticks, aren't they?

 Soldering (1)

Surface Mount Soldering Experiment

 Troubleshooting (1)

Counterfeit Prolific Chip

 Update (3)

Still Making
Quarterly Update [2016 Quarter 1]
A Legge Up Website Facelift

 Welcome (1)

Challenge Accepted!

 Wishlist (1)

I Need an Oscilloscope